Thursday, January 6, 2011

My New Years Resolution: Eat More Pancakes, Spend Less Time Blogging

Happy New Year! Don't you just love new beginnings? I do! I feel fresh, ready for adventure and the freedom and motivation to begin something new. 

However, despite my love for new beginnings, I tend not to make New Years resolutions, not because I don't like them, but because the Holidays are so busy that I simply don't have the time to think that hard about what I really want to begin, change, improve, etc. That's why I quickly scrambled and came up with my first resolution that has no rhyme or reason behind it, EAT MORE PANCAKES!

Which is just what I did January 1st. Josh and I went to Hash House A-Go-Go in San diego and I gorged myself on a Banana Brown Sugar Pancakes the size of Montana. See evidence below...

It's funny, because when I say gorged I mean I ate about a 1/4 of the thing, which, trust me, still counts as gorging. It was absolutely delicious though, I highly recommend stopping by if you're in the San Diego area. 

My second New Years resolution is a little more serious, and took a little more thought and prayer then the first, which is why I didn't come up with it till the 3rd of January, blog less.

Now if you follow my blog, you might be wondering why this is the case, because it appears as though I don't blog that often. And you are right, I don't. But it still takes a significant amount of time to format it right, come up with the content, proof read the content and type out word for word recipes; time I want to spend on more important things and more important people.

Exhibit 1: Jesus Christ

(I realize He probably didn't look like this, but it was the best Google image search had to offer.)

I have come to the conclusion that I need to take some things out of my schedule in order to make more time for the person who should take number one precedent in my life, Jesus. Simply put, the time I spend blogging = less time to be in the Word, be in prayer and simply enjoy Him. And that's simply one equation I don't want to get wrong.

Exhibit 2: My Husband

Isn't he cute? So Josh and I will be moving to San Francisco soon and our schedule is going to be getting much crazier then it is now. So when I come home from a long day, I want to make sure he gets good time with me and my full attention
instead of me telling him to shut his mouth, because I am writing or being short with him because stupid blogger won't format right.

Therefore, from now on, my blog will only contain pictures of my yummy creation, references on where to find the recipes and short captions (oh, also larger fonts and pictures to make up for the lack of content:) At least this will be the case for this season of life, who knows what the future will hold.

So I hope you are not mad; I still love all my faithful readers! I just love Jesus and my husband more. And if you are dying for a recipe, shoot me an email and Ill send it to you. It's a lot easier to do in email then on this frustrating platform, trust me.

Happy New Beginnings!

Sweet Lady Sass

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